Play competitively or just for fun!
Programs for all levels of player from introductory clinics for the complete novice to competitive USTA leagues
Drop In Clinics
- Daily sign up
- Beginner, intermediate and advanced
- Tennis Express
- Point Play®
- Mixed Doubles
- Member & non-member rates
Junior Programs
- Discovery (ages 4-5)
- Red Ball (ages 6-7)
- Orange & Green Ball (ages 8-10)
- Yellow Ball (ages 10-18)
- Junior Tournaments

Ladies USTA
- Beginner, intermediate and advanced
- 18+, 40+ and 55+ USTA teams
- Non-team options (no matches)
- Team and Non-team Practices

Men’s Singles
- FREE Sunday Afternoon League
- Beginner, intermediate (3.5+) & advanced (4.0+)
- Divisions of 5 players
- 4 matches per month
- Members only

Season Courts
- Indoor season courts
(36 weeks Sep-May) - Summer season courts
(13 weeks Jun-Aug) - Optionally add a pro to provide instruction
- Non-Members are welcome to request courts

- Private & semi-private lessons
- 3 tiers of instruction:
- Senior Director
- Director
- Professional
- 1 hour, 1 ½ hour, and 30-mins
- Member & non-member rates

Book a Court
- 1 hour & 1½ hour options
- Offered between 6am and 10pm
- Optional extras:
- Practice ball machine
- Demo racquet rentals
- Member & non-member rates

For more information about any of our tennis programs: