Freeze & Cancellation Policy

Membership Freeze

You may freeze your membership* for any reason for up to a maximum of 2 months in any calendar year.

You may freeze your membership due to injury (for which a doctor’s note is required) for however long you are injured.

A $20 per month administration charge is billed for the duration of the freeze period.

You may only freeze your membership prospectively, not retroactively and to do so you must give notice by the 15th of the prior month. (i.e. if you wanted to freeze your membership from February 1st, you must give notice by January 15th). Notice is given by emailing Kelsey Martin, or by registered mail to INTENSITY, 490 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT, 06851.

A membership freeze starts at the first of every month and ends the last day of the month. You can extend your end date by emailing us prior to the 15th of the previous month.

* freeze rules for certain grandfathered membership categories are more restrictive

Membership Cancellation

If you cancel your membership you forfeit all rights afforded by your existing membership contract. Any un-used clinics, lesson or training series will be re-billed at a non-member rate. Any un-used new member initiation sessions will expire.

Cancellations must be given by the 15th of the month to be removed from the next month’s billing cycle. (i.e. to cancel from February 1st you must give notice before January 15th). Notice is given by emailing Kelsey Martin, or by registered mail to INTENSITY, 490 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT, 06851.

What if I decide to re-join?

If you cancel your membership and subsequently decide to re-join, you will be offered the same terms and conditions as any other new joiner. Depending on demand you may be asked to join a membership waitlist. You will incur a full initiation fee and your monthly membership will be at the prevailing rate at the time that you re-join.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact or call (203) 853-7727 Option 0,5.