Now enrolling the Spring 2025 session
Now enrolling the
Spring 2025 session
Join the country’s largest competitive league
Step up your game by joining our USTA program and be part of the country’s largest competitive league for players of all skill levels that is organized into three age groups – 18 & over, 40 & over and 55 & over. The program is structured based on the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) to ensure that you play with similar level players. Although the majority of players join a team, you can join a practice without committing to play for a team. Teams can advance to play in district, sectional and national championships.
Step up your game by joining our USTA program and be part of the country’s largest competitive league for players of all skill levels that is organized into three age groups – 18 & over, 40 & over and 55 & over. The program is structured based on the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) to ensure that you play with similar level players. Although the majority of players join a team, you can join a practice without committing to play for a team. Teams can advance to play in district, sectional and national championships.
4-Week Spring Session
from May-27 to Jun-23 2025
Spring Session
from May-27 to Jun-23 2025
The weekly schedule of 2 hour doubles practices is shown below.
Starts | Day | Time | Description | Member | Non-Mem |
Jun-02 | Mon | 9:30am | 3.0 doubles | $330 | $365 |
May-27 | Tue | 9:30am | 3.5 doubles | $330 | $365 |
May-28 | Wed | 9:30am | 4.0 doubles | $330 | $365 |
May-29 | Thu | 9:30am | 3.5 doubles | $330 | $365 |
May-30 | Fri | 9:30am | 3.0 doubles | $330 | $365 |
Payment in full required to register |
INTENSITY offers ladies doubles USTA league programs. We have 6 indoor hard courts for year round play. Our USTA coaches provide instruction on technique, strategy, court positioning, mental toughness and all other aspects of tennis.
Why play USTA Tennis?
- Advance your game beyond what “social” tennis can provide
- Fun but real competition
- Weekly practices and multiple matches during each season
- Potential to reach local, regional and national tournaments
- Make new friends who also enjoy tennis
What is my level?
Our USTA coaches can provide an on-court evaluation and assign an NTRP rating. USTA also provides an online questionnaire for experienced players or outdated ratings.
- Fall & Winter: September to May
- Spring: May to June
- Summer: June to July
What are the USTA costs for being on a team?
In order to play on a USTA team, you need to become a member of the USTA. You can do this online at www.usta.com. An adult individual membership is $44/year. The USTA fee to register for a team is $22 per team.
If I miss a practice, can I do a “make-up”?
There is no “credit” given for a missed practice and we cannot guarantee “make-ups”. If you miss a practice, we will do our best to fit you in an open spot in one of the other practices at your NTRP level. If you cannot make it to practice, please let your team captain know as soon as possible.
What if there is inclement weather?
INTENSITY may officially cancel a practice due to inclement weather. If that occurs, INTENSITY will add an additional clinic on to the end of the session as a make-up.
Can I practice above my NTRP level?
The USTA local league limits the number of players on each team that are below the team NTRP level to FOUR below level players. Given the limited allowable spaces, you must obtain approval of the INTENSITY USTA Head Pro and that team captain before registering or a practice or a team that is above your level. If you are approved for practice that is above your NTRP level, you must also roster and make yourself available for matches on the team that is at your level until the time that USTA bumps your rating up.
Registration: Spaces are limited and INTENSITY reserves the right to not accept a registration. INTENSITY makes every effort to ensure that the programs run to schedule, but reserves the right to reschedule in the event of insufficient sign-ups or events beyond the club’s control.
Cancellations: Registrations for the USTA team and non-team practices may be cancelled up to ONE WEEK prior to the start of the season for a refund. After that time, you are committed to the team practices and installment payments for the balance of the session.
Refunds: are NOT offered and registrant agrees to make payment in full for all registered programs. Registrant agrees to pay INTENSITY reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in connection with collection of any amounts owed.
Liability Waiver: Due to the nature of the sport, injuries can occur. Registrant acknowledges the risks and waives INTENSITY of any liability for such.
Injuries: A doctor’s note is required in any case where make-ups are deemed an appropriate remedy for missed classes or in the case of a prolonged injury, where a house credit may be issued for future use in a similar future program.
Video / Live Streaming: The club uses video/live streaming technology for informational use as a teaching tool during lessons, clinics and matches. Registrant confirms that they are aware of this and gives permission for its use.