INTENSITY offers a world-class tennis academy led by Kris Hrisovulos and Mike Slattery with Joe Norton.

Next Generation: Red Ball
This program follows the USTA’s system of scaled training and competition for kids.  It is an exciting play format designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing modified equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring, all tailored to age and size.

INTENSITY offers a world-class tennis academy led by Kris Hrisovulos and Mike Slattery with Joe Norton.

The Red Ball Program follows the USTA’s system of scaled training and competition for kids.  This is an exciting play format designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing modified equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring, all tailored to age and size.

14-Week Fall Session

Aug-29th to Dec-9th, 2024



Please email Kris or call 203.853.7727 x1 with any questions about this program.